By Lisa Steele-Maley
Consider the raindrop,
falling to earth, singular and newly formed,
carrying millennia of history, information, and form in its molecules.
Consider the raindrop,
nourishing soil, growing plants and animals,
creating, feeding, and cleansing all life.
Consider the raindrop,
tumbling into cracks and crevices,
following millions of raindrops through
unmarked paths carved into the landscape over centuries.
Consider the raindrop,
giving itself in communion with a trickle before
tumbling into a river that
rolls into an estuary and
co-mingles with the ocean.
Consider the raindrop,
entering your body
as water, food, creation or inspiration,
filling you with life and possibility.
Consider the thousands of raindrops that are in you.

Leaf photo by Duncan Steele-Maley