Frequently Asked Questions
How can I find out if the ChIME program is a good fit for me?
ChIME staff and alumni host online Open Houses on the third Wednesday night of each month, January-July. Student-led Interfaith Gatherings showcase the wide spectrum of experience and interest in our student body. Workshops provide a peek into the ChIME experience and curriculum. All events attract students, alumni ,and members of the wider community so you will get to hear about ChIME and interfaith from a variety of perspectives. (For More information: Events). Finally, the Dean is happy to set up a one-on-one meeting or put you in contact with some graduates who would be willing to speak with you about their experiences.
I'm not at all "religious" -- is this okay?
Our students come from all faith backgrounds and traditions, including atheist. The important thing is a curiosity about, and a willingness to learn about and serve people from any spiritual or religious path.
How would you define "Interfaith"?
Interfaith is a way of life that invites each person to experience the Divine in their own way. It is an avenue of seeing and seeking the endless possibilities of Divine Expression. We celebrate our connection with the Divine and how that connection enhances our lives and relationships. Interfaith ministry respects all spiritual paths including "no path" and honors Divine wisdom in all faiths.
What if I’m already identified with a religion?
Interfaith studies encourage and provide opportunities for individuals to deepen their relationship to their own faith by understanding it in the context of other world religions. A more meaningful commitment to one’s own faith tradition is a common outcome of Interfaith studies.
I'm working full time. Am I going to have time for this?
The Interfaith Ministry program is designed for adult learners with other full-time commitments. If students find they need or want more time, they may choose to extend the program to a third year in order to complete the requirements of the 2nd year.
Is ChIME an accredited institution?
There is presently no accrediting body for Interfaith Ministry schools, but ChIME graduation is recognized as credentialing for interfaith ministry by the national body, World AWAKE. ChIME ordinands are also eligible for co-ordination by Order of Universal Interfaith. ChIME offers a professional certificate and Ordination in Interfaith Ministry.
What will I be able to do with my ChIME training?
Many ChIME graduates have forged their own paths, weaving their ministry into their lives as entrepreneurs, parents, social workers, teachers, writers, musicians, health professionals, and more. Others have pursued paid employment as Chaplains in hospice, assisted living, and other health-related chaplaincies, including some hospitals.
Each prospective employer has its own criteria, which sometimes includes a Masters of Divinity degree, ordination by a denominational body, and/or several units of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) or Clinical Pastoral Training (CPT). The same is generally true of federally paid military chaplaincies. A Maine employer recently reviewed ChIME’s curriculum and concluded that the applicant satisfied their education requirements, which previously had been limited to persons with Masters of Divinity degrees.
In addition to institutional chaplaincies or entrepreneurial community ministry, many ChIME graduates create or supplement their incomes by serving as celebrants, teaching, preaching, and offering workshops from writing to singing, drumming to nature explorations as a spiritual practice.
What opportunities will open up to me through ChIME?
ChIME students and graduates are increasingly sought after to serve community organizations, individuals, families and some denominational parishes. ChIME's requirement of 150 hours of volunteer work the first year and 150 hours of formal internship the second year provides an excellent opportunity to explore hands-on chaplaincy and build relationships with people and organizations.
How will I change as a person?
Regardless of the type of service a student engages in post-graduation, a ChIME education helps the student live into their pastoral authority – that felt sense of being in the right place at the right time with the right skills, and the wisdom to know when other skills are required.
Am I required to be ordained?
No, a student may elect to graduate only. Our history tells us most students elect to be ordained, but students have until January of their second year to make that decision.
What will be my title if I am ordained?
You may call yourself Reverend, a term shared by Interfaith, Buddhist and Christian traditions, or “Chaplain” or “Interfaith Chaplain.” Some graduates use no title, while others refer to themselves as Community Ministers or Planetary Chaplains. The common denominator is service to individuals and communities.
How much time will I spend in class?
Classes meet one night a week for three hours from September - June. Vacation weeks in November, December, February and April follow the public school calendar.
How are the weekend workshops structured?
In-person and blended cohort students meet for two sequential weekend days/month. Each day is a separate workshop. At times, there may be two shorter workshops in one day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Monthly workshops are typically the first weekend of the month and run from 9:30-4:30.
Online students complete an equivalent workshop experience during approximately 12 hours of asynchronous learning.
In December and in March blended and in-person students and staff gather for an overnight retreat in lieu of weekend workshops. Online students will be guided asynchronously through a retreat experience of their own.
Are the in-person and online cohorts the same?
Yes and no.
Yes. Each program delivery model of ChIME’s Interfaith Ministry program combines an intimate cohort community, a diversity of instructors, and experiential, engaging, curriculum delivery. Students engaging in any cohort model will will enjoy a deep sense of spiritual community, created by the strong personal relationships built over the course of the program.
No. Cohort models differ in delivery method. When deciding which cohort will best serve them, prospective students are encouraged to consider proximity, access to technology, and their preferred learning style. The in-person cohort requires travel to/from ChIME weekly for classes. The online cohort allows weekly class attendance on Zoom. Online cohort students can engage monthly workshops asynchronously online or they may attend workshops in person for a blended program experience.
What role do the expressive arts play?
Expressive arts are used both as vehicles to connect to and express the Divine and also as tools for assisting others to express their connection to Spirit. Explorations of music, visual art, writing and dance, etc. are offered throughout the two years.
What types of support do you offer students?
Each student is assigned a Spiritual Companion who has a connection to ChIME (faculty, graduates, teachers), and with whom they meet monthly. A Faculty Advisor supports each student in balancing all aspects of the program and paying attention to how it informs and is informed by other aspects of their lives. Students also identify a Spiritual Mentor of their own choosing with whom they meet four times a year.
Are there any scholarship funds available?
ChIME has limited scholarship funds. Scholarship funds are allocated on a first-requested, first-served basis to second year students. Remaining resources are made available to first year students who have requested support. Additionally, students can set up a payment plan to spread tuition payments over the academic year. The prior year tuition must be fully paid before the student moves onto the next year or completes the program.
What are the expectations regarding practical experience?
Each student is required to complete 150 hours of community service during the first year and 150 hours in an internship during the second year. Students are encouraged to be creative in their selection of volunteer opportunities, stretching out of their comfort zones and into their communities. When requested, ChIME faculty and staff can assist in finding opportunities and making connections.
Who can I contact with questions?
Contact Lisa Steele-Maley, Dean, at