
By Sara Bartlett,

You are the light of the world, for the city on the hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people put a light under the bushel, instead they put it on a lampshade and shine a light for the whole household.”

Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew (chapter) 5: (verses) 14,15.


"After the Magi had heard from Herod, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.” 

Gospel of Matthew (chapter) 2: (verses) 9-11.

According to tradition, Magi from other cultures, ones otherwise known as Kings, knew something amazing had occurred after observing a unique shining star in the sky. These Kings knew they needed to follow the light breaking through the dark, so they left their homes and journeyed until they met this bright, shining star at its place over Jesus.  This encounter is known as Epiphany, a time in the Christian calendar that symbolizes the birth of God incarnate, aka a baby named Jesus. A baby who is the pure light which reflects through the darkness of human struggle and suffering. Jesus is the light that guides others.

But more than that, Jesus as an adult taught his followers that all humans are light, all humans have something within us that is unique, special and should never be hidden. I lift up this: just for a moment, think of what it would have been at night in first century Palestine. No street lights, no electric lights, no flashlights, etc, etc.  Any light which shown was important to guide the way.

This is who we as humans are—we are light, we are to be unique, we are to shine brightly, and break through and create cracks in the darkness. We are not to hold back whoever we are, no covering who we are. We are important.  Jesus’ light guided others, and reminds us that we are never to cover up who we are: love and light.


Rev. Bartlett is a graduate of Andover Newton, now part of Yale Divinity and is the pastor and teacher of the Parish Church in Alfred, Maine. She serves on the Board of the United Church of Christ’s Maine Conference, is a chaplain at Pilgrim Lodge (an outdoor ministry camp), serves as Chair of the UCC York Association’s missions committee, and in the past served as a community chaplain at Bates College, and on call chaplain at Maine Medical Center. She is a trained facilitator for the UCC/UU human sexuality program Our Whole Lives, and is always willing to volunteer as “Chaplain of the Day,’ for the Maine House of Representatives. Rev. Bartlett currently lives in Auburn, Maine with her husband Jeremiah, sons Josh (16) and Tristan (6). Completing the family is their dog Amelia, and cat Merlin. Her places of hope are found by the ocean, walking in the woods, and in reading a good book.

Christmas light image by Sara Bartlett