Fearless Compassion

by Lori Whittemore,

Pema Chodron is an ordained American Tibetan nun, author, and teacher. In The Pocket Pema Chodron, she writes about daring to have no enemies.

Whether it’s ourselves, our lovers, bosses, children, or the political situation, its more daring and real to not shut anyone out of our hearts and not make the other into our enemy. "

I’m not sure I can even imagine that right now in the current political context. With such vitriolic fear mongering being proffered from the highest authorities in the land, I find it hard not to see enemies everywhere. After all, we are being sold that people of different color or culture are our enemies. That they are taking our jobs, or our security. And for those who find that concept appalling, there is the temptation to therefore make enemies of those who are selling these racist and untruthful ideas.

But hate doesn’t conquer hate, only love does that. Those fateful words of Martin Luther King, Jr. are so poignant right now. It is the charge for those on the spiritual path to cultivate peace and love such that we are not perpetuating hatefulness in our midst. Being centered prepares each of us for the sacred task of living in a state of fearless compassion and therefore transforms the greater world by transforming ourselves through love.

I invite you to keep the words fearless compassion with you this week, when you are challenged by people and situations that anger you. You are courage that replaces fear. You are peace that replaces chaos. You are the love that replaces hate. You are the fearless compassion that dares to have no enemies!

Lori Whittemore is the founder and director of Abbey of Hope interfaith cooperation circle and of Clinical Pastoral Training Center of Southern Maine (CPTCSM), the training arm of the Abbey. Through CPTCSM she trains chaplains and pastoral care givers with today’s varied religious and spiritual landscape in mind. Rev. Whittemore approaches interfaith ministry from her Christian background and training as well as her interfaith education at Chaplaincy Institute of Maine.