By Lori Whittemore.
St Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish priest and theologian best known for developing Spiritual Exercises, a simple set of meditations for daily reflections and prayers on Biblical Scripture. It is a template for Christian contemplation.
A lectionary is a timed list of sacred readings. A Christian lectionary is published so that Christian Churches and the clergy that serve them preach the entire Bible over the course of 3 years.
Inspired by these sources, the works shared in the Abbey of HOPE Reflectionary can serve as inspiration for prayer and contemplation. The difference is that Reflectionary is created by authors and artists of differing faiths and spiritualities who share reflections on their own texts, traditions and holidays. In this way, our community is enlightened, inspired and enriched by our own members diverse reflections.
The Reflectionary has been dormant for a few months while the Abbey used its energy and resources to streamline programming and media. In this season of Advent, we are delighted to once again begin bringing reflections from people in our community far and near and we invite you to share your written and artistic inspiration as well. Contact the editor here. Like the cactus that blooms in winter, Reflectionary is flowering again, just as the light and heat diminish.
I am inspired by verse 5 in the 2nd chapter of Song of Songs, sustain me with flowers and apples for I am dying with love. In the late days of fall here in Maine, while I am still feasting from the fall harvest of apples, and the advent of my Christmas Cactus blooms, I am indeed dying with love.Lori Whittemore is the founder and director of Abbey of Hope interfaith cooperation circle and of Clinical Pastoral Training Center of Southern Maine (CPTCSM), the training arm of the Abbey. Through CPTCSM she trains chaplains and pastoral care givers with today’s varied religious and spiritual landscape in mind. Rev. Whittemore approaches interfaith ministry from her Christian background and training as well as her interfaith education at Chaplaincy Institute of Maine.