by Rev. Myra Robinson,
Look up, Look downLook both waysBefore you cross the road
As long as you’re lookingYou are presentGoing forward or hanging backLoses its appeal
MindfulnessIs looking with yourThird eyeYour mind’s eye
BelievingIn that visionMakes it reality
ManifestingSacred creatingWith open eyesOpen mind
SeeingFor the first timeThe beautyYou have madeMyra Robinson is a ChIME (2016) ordained Interfaith Chaplain, and an entrepreneur. Her company, AffirMantraTM (which donates 10% of net profits to local charities), is a platform from which she offers “Workshops, Weddings, and Wonder” (think inspired creations: such as clergy stoles, and other artistic expressions), as well as bookings as a public speaker, officiant, group facilitator, teacher, musician, singer, and various clergy services. Rev. Myra currently lends her voice and musicianship to the Portland New Church Interfaith Community and strives to bring an element of Sacred Sound into every endeavor, for the spiritual nurturance and healing of the Earth and all living beings. Go to or Rev. Myra’s AffirMantras on Facebook for more information.
Eye image by Free-Photos