Please help ChIME find the next wave of Community Chaplains, by attending this free, informal Open House.
Wednesday, June 14 at 5:30 PM - 7 PM
at ChIME, 302 Stevens Avenue, Portland, Maine 04103
In these times, when stress seems to be mounting for so many people, Community Chaplains are needed more than ever. As we continue our enrollment for Fall 2017, please consider whether you, or someone you know, is a prospective Community Chaplain.
Community Chaplains serve as a listening presence, helping people to find THEIR spiritual center, in times of celebration and times of crisis.
Our two-year Interfaith Chaplaincy training program is designed for adults with other job and/or family responsibilities. 500 hours of faculty contact are spread across two academic years, with meetings one night a week and one weekend a month.
You can call ChIME at 207-347-6740 or email to recommend someone ... including yourself....for our program. We'd be happy to help you discern whether Community Chaplaincy is right for you.
Or come and explore what ChIME is all about during one of our monthly open houses. The next one is Wednesday June 14 from 5:30 to 7 in the ChIME classroom at 302 Stevens Avenue in Portland. Join author Robert Atkinson in a meaningful conversation on how we can make sense of the time we live in, what our guiding principles are, where they come from, and where they are leading us.
His new book, The Story of our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness, is framed by seven unifying principles from the mystical traditions of the world’s religions. It offers a thoughtful narrative of conscious evolution, assuring us that this period of chaos and conflict will ultimately move us closer to the promise at the heart of all sacred traditions. How we get there depends upon the stories we live by and the action we take.
Viewing this time of rapid change and recurring crises from an interfaith and interspiritual perspective gives us great hope. We can see that all around us spiritual forces and social movements are guiding a process of profound transformation, shifting us away from divided communities with a consciousness of duality toward an awareness of the inherent interconnectedness of all things. In turn, a global community with a consciousness of oneness is emerging.