Guidelines For Submission
In June 2022, ChIME was invited to assume stewardship of the Reflectionary that the Abbey of Hope had been maintaining since 2014. ChIME is honored to host a reflective space for voices from a wide variety of spiritual and religious perspectives.
If you have an original poem, short essay, artwork, photograph, or musical recording that you would like to share, please review the guidelines below and send us your contribution.
We appreciate your generosity and the time and effort required to make this contribution to our community.
Submissions should include:
Your byline, as you want it to appear
Your Reflection in one of the following formats:
In Writing: 300-500 words submitted as an attachment. Word docs preferred.
In Image: Original to you artwork with a sentence or two for context.
In Video: Videos that are 2-4 minutes in length with an introductory descriptive sentence or two for context.
In Audio: Audio recordings of music or spoken word should be no more than 4 minutes in length with an introductory descriptive sentence or two for context.
Contributor bio: 3-5 sentences
Contributor photo: (jpegs preferred, 200 x 250 pixels minimum)
Submission to the Reflectionary is not a guarantee of acceptance and we reserve the right to edit reflections. If we do edit yours, we will get your approval before publication.
If you would like to propose and schedule a series of Reflections at special times of year, please indicate that in your email. However,
While it is wonderful to get to know contributors more intimately through multiple posts, in order to preserve the diversity of voices of Reflectionary, we will limit each contributor to 4 submissions/year.
Please submit your reflection, author bio, and author photo as email attachments to: