by Myra Robinson,
I’m finding it hard to breathe…
The first week in November 2018, I excitedly attended the Parliament of the World’s Religions (PoWR) in beautiful Toronto. A profound experience for me, as close to 8,000 people from all over the world and different faiths/traditions gathered for a conference dedicated to global understanding, reconciliation, and change—with “The Promise of Inclusion, the Power of Love.”
That first day, I was smudged near a huge teepee, heard Earth wisdom in the Lodge of Nations, and danced to drumming at the Indigenous Opening Ceremony. Then, drawn to the pomegranate altar and plush red pillows, I stumbled upon the Red Tent Temple, a nurturing place of feminine energy. I returned many times that week for rest and spiritual sustenance. I was wowed by a Dharma talk, enlightened by Climate Change discussions, empowered by the Feminine Divine and Women’s Dignity events.
Of many phenomenal speakers, one stands out in my memory… Valarie Kaur, a Sikh leader and lawyer from California. Eight months pregnant, she couldn’t be there in person, so we watched her speech on giant twin screens flanking a massive stage, one that would deliver amazing moments, speakers, musicians, singers, and dancers throughout the week.
Valarie started off saying, “I’m finding it hard to breathe” … (I was concerned she was going into labor!) She wasn’t, but used that springboard to talk about not being able to breathe with all the unrest and political chaos, the radical hatred and darkness in the world. “But what if,” she said, “it is not the darkness of a tomb, so much as the darkness of a womb? What if we are about to give birth to something new? A world filled with Revolutionary Love!”
Cue thousands of us moved to tears and collective sighs! Thank you, Valarie—and PoWR—for reminding us that it’s possible to view the darkness with new eyes, to breathe, and listen to the heartbeat of hope inside us all.Myra Robinson is a ChIME (2016) ordained Interfaith Chaplain, and an entrepreneur. Her company, AffirMantraTM (which donates 10% of net profits to local charities), is a platform from which she offers “Workshops, Weddings, and Wonder” (think inspired creations: such as clergy stoles, and other artistic expressions), as well as bookings as a public speaker, officiant, group facilitator, teacher, musician, singer, and various clergy services. Rev. Myra currently lends her voice and musicianship to the Portland New Church Interfaith Community and strives to bring an element of Sacred Sound into every endeavor, for the spiritual nurturance and healing of the Earth and all living beings. Go to or Rev. Myra’s AffirMantras on Facebook for more information.