by Robin Jellis
When true simplicity is gained,To bow and to bend we shall not be ashamed,To turn, turn will be our delight,Till by turning, turning we come 'round right.
—Adapted from the Shaker song "Simple Gifts" by Joseph Brackett,a lifelong resident of Maine, written in 1848.
I recall seeing several robins huddled on branches outside the window—I couldn’t believe it—in February?! Okay, so it was a few years back, but I often think of it at this time. A group of robins is called a “round.” Perhaps this is because robins are considered harbingers of Spring, as the light returns and the seasons change. I like to think of a round as robins’ song, meant to be shared in community. A circle, spiral gathering ‘round to sing and stay warm.
As Kahlil Gibran said, family can be like a bow and a child like an arrow, sent off in a particular direction. Or maybe? Instead of staying the course, the arrow becomes a bird and finds that it has wings to fly wherever it so chooses.
For me, it’s not just a metaphor. Robbins is a family name. I was singing before I could put together a sentence. When I took up the cello (albeit with a different kind of bow!) I became “Robin Jellis the cellist.” How could I mess with that? I found my wings and my own voice playing cello and composing my own music.
The robins’ tree stands outside of where my grandparents lived. Simple Gifts was my grandmother’s favorite song. I loved playing cello and music for them. Now, even with one “broken wing” I persevere. Reminded of my grandparents fierce love, and with the support of community, I am finding my voice again—this time no strings attached.
May we all find our song, trust in the circle of seasons, and gather ‘round to share with one another and stay warm.Robin Jellis has been a professional cellist and music instructor for more than 20 years, performing with the Bangor Symphony, both Maine State and Portland Ballet Orchestras, jazz ensemble Ocean Sol, Medieval ensemble Trobairitz! and for several different musical theater productions. Robin was a featured composer for the Yarmouth Contemporary Music Days in 2011 and has collaborated with several recording artists and poets, including a 2014 tour in Europe. She has been on the faculty at Waynflete School, 317 Main Street Community Music Center, and the Portland Conservatory of Music.
During the summer of 2016, Robin toured the country playing in several National Parks, including a performance for the Centennial celebration. She was beginning to put together her first CD of original music when she was in an auto accident, leaving her unable to do her work. Called to ministry, with a renewed sense of hope and trusting the change of seasons in her life, Robin is now a student at the Chaplaincy Institute of Maine and a board member for the Abbey of Hope.