By Robert Atkinson,
We live in times of massive change, a necessary element for our inevitable yet precarious progress. Never has there been a greater opportunity–and need–to participate in and take action on behalf of this unfolding process. A renewed commitment to our own spirituality is the only thing that will give us security–personally and collectively–in these changing times.
The most important change is always a change in consciousness. The consciousness characterizing our spiritual epoch that we most need to ensure comes into its summer fullness is the consciousness of the oneness of humanity. Helen Keller challenged the world to embrace this awareness when she asked, “When indeed shall we learn that we are all related to one another, that we are all members of one body?” The Baha’i writings focus on just this:
World order can be founded only on an unshakeable consciousness of the oneness of mankind… all the human sciences recognize only one human species, albeit infinitely varied in the secondary aspects of life. Recognition of this truth requires abandonment of prejudice—prejudice of every kind—race, class, colour, creed, nation, sex, degree of material civilization, everything which enables people to consider themselves superior to others."
Moving beyond these dualities and toward the oneness that embraces all is the story of our time, our most challenging issue, and the greatest task at hand. This is the movement encircling the globe, engaging the hearts of people everywhere. This is how the entire world is now being renewed in our time.Robert Atkinson, Ph.D., developmental psychology, is the author of nine books, including the 2017 Nautilus Book Award winner The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness, from which this excerpt is taken; Mystic Journey: Getting to the Heart of Your Soul’s Story (2012); The Gift of Stories (1995); and, Year of Living Deeply: A Memoir of 1969 (2019). He is an internationally recognized authority in the techniques of life story interviewing, personal mythmaking, and soul-making, professor emeritus at the University of Southern Maine, board member of the Abbey of Hope, a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, and director of StoryCommons.