By Mary Gelfand.
Earth shall be healed.And all the people that live on the Earth shall be healed.And all the people that live on the Earth shall find peace and be healed.
—Chant from: “You Are The One,” by Carole & Bren
My prayer for this holiday season is simple. I pray that the Earth—the only home we have—shall be healed. I pray that the water we drink may flow cleanly and freely, that the food we eat shall nourish our bodies, and that the air that we breathe shall be clear and light.
I pray that all the people that live on the Earth shall be healed—not just from disease—but also from the mental framework that leads us to focus on the differences between ourselves and our neighbors instead of the similarities. I pray that we as a nation will unite around meeting the needs of all our citizens, not just the wealthy and not just big business.
I pray that all the people that live on the Earth shall find peace and be healed. I pray for an end to the violence that is daily perpetrated against women, children, animals, the differently-abled, the LGBT community, and all people of color. I pray for an end to the mindless wars in which we find ourselves engaged. I pray for Peace.
My prayer for myself this season and beyond is that I live my life in a manner than enables me to better serve the cause of healing and peace on Earth. What prayers do you make this holiday season?Rev. Dr. Mary Gelfand is an ordained Interfaith Minister, a gifted teacher, and Wiccan High Priestess. She teaches and writes on the topics of feminist spirituality, Tarot, and Earth-centered spiritual paths. She resides in Wells with her husband Mark, two cats, and a forest full of birds, chipmunks, and other mysteries of life. You can see more of her writings at
Art by Kay Kemp,, published in We’Moon 2018: La Luna © Mother Tongue Ink 2017.