Wisdom Farmers

By Rev. Myra Robinson,

We are Wisdom Farmers…encouraging thoughtful reflection to bear fruit as sweet as any insight, by treating it with the patience it needs to thrive. Weeding out the negative, to cultivate acceptance. Producing an abundance of gratitude.

Our Wisdom Garden is sprinkled with the beauty of perseverance, that allows for constant growth in any season, and can weather any storm. For love and kindness bloom eternal in this place; this Sacred Eden we make manifest. Where the Tree of Life is laden with courage as well as sorrow, we learn we harbor a core self-care as a means to carry strength to weakened limbs.

With compassion we tend each precious acre of common suffering, which yields the delicious Life Lessons we all need to grow. But, if (or when) a devastating loss plows a fallow field through the middle of your heart, and grief rises from the dusty desolation? Don’t even try to cut it back. Let it be. Let it stand as a testament to Hope, for it is planted as deeply as the love you shared.  This connection is never lost. It just looks different in the light of time.

Relax. Let the fierce wind carve away worry, and clear the way for the planting of a new perspective; new seeds of thought…new Ways of Being.  Everything we need to live healthy in body, mind, and spirit, is right here. Attending your inner landscape prepares the grounding your Soul needs to bloom fully. Oh, and those flittering Epiphanies that hover just out of reach? They are only waiting for you to open the garden gate; to welcome in the buzzing muses that spread their creative pollen, to propagate fresh ideas in a plethora of “aha!” moments.

When (and if) you dig for answers—you don’t yet even know the questions to—let intuition be your guide, curiosity your spade. The tender caring of this Sanctuary ensures the continuation of the legacy that—given freely to you—will pass on to future generations. To harvest peace in a world that is wiser because of your efforts.

Finally, taking pride in your accomplishments, the time comes to sit and enjoy the fruits of your labor, do so in a cool patch of meditation. Get close to Ancient Mother Earth; who is rooted in each of us in a symbiotic dance of existence. Sit very still and listen. She will whisper to you in your garden of reflection. Then, you will smile joyfully as Birds of Paradise sing to the Wise Spirit inside you.

Rev. Myra Robinson is an Interfaith Chaplain & Entrepreneur; as well as writer, artist, and singer/songwriter. A Unitarian Universalist; she is an alum of the Chaplaincy Institute of Maine, is a Reiki practitioner and Sound Healer. Using her newly restored voice (after surviving throat Cancer in 2019), she enjoys officiating customized "Wow-Factor" Weddings and presenting her AffirMantraTM Workshops throughout New England.  Myra was Minister-of-the-Week at Ferry Beach Conference Center in 2016 and 2017, and a Conference Coordinator in 2018; empowering women and encouraging stewardship of Mother Earth. Currently—while working on her memoirs - with compassion and gratitude, she ministers to her community in Southern Maine, by offering spiritual mentoring, hospice singing, memorials, bereavement support, and guest clergy services in various faith traditions.

Myra lives in Scarborough with her husband, two cats, and "a lot of musical instruments!”  For more information and to reach Myra: rev.myra@affirmantra.com

Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village Garden by Lindy Gifford.