And The Rains Came...

By Rev. Dr. Mary Gelfand,

And the rains came.

Not wild and crazy rains—thunder and lightning bumbling around thehouse—sky split open again and again—trembling dog pressed against myleg.

Not brief ephemeral showers descending from a passing cloud, almost asan afterthought—bright sunlight pouring between raindrops.

Long slow steady rains—softly sweet—gently caressing—exchanges oflove between earth and sky.

Maple and oak, cedar and pine—perk up—shake newly washedleaves—and drink deeply of the gift.

Rose and goldenrod, day lily and black-eyed Susan—lift ecstatic facesheavenward to be blessed.

Fruits plump before our very eyes—sweet and tart and moist and luscious.

Ponds and streams welcome their kin, gathering drops from far afield intotransient forms of ebb and flow.

Air, washed clean of dust and dirt, assumes a softer aspect—blurred edgesand hazy hues dwell under the canopy of clouds.

Mother Earth sighs and relaxes into the tender embrace of her lover.

Rev. Dr. Mary Gelfand is an ordained Interfaith Minister, a gifted teacher, and Wiccan High Priestess. She teaches and writes on the topics of feminist spirituality, Tarot, and Earth-centered spiritual paths. She resides in Wells with her husband Mark, two cats, and a forest full of birds, chipmunks, and other mysteries of life. You can see more of her writings at

Rain photo by Julia Tikhonova